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Member Benefits

Our members are equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI), human rights and sexual violence prevention practitioners that work to foster respect and inclusion on Canadian post-secondary campuses (physical and virtual), and to prevent harassment and discrimination. Sharing research, experiences and ideas are essential to understand the range of challenges, as well as the regional and institutional differences. We believe that this sharing of resources equips us all to do our best work.


Member Benefits

Membership will enable you to:

  • Engage and connect with other practitioners across Canada
  • Join webinars on key topics, presented by leaders in their field
  • Attend the annual conference with your peers Click here to view past conference details
  • Collaborate through our Groupsite, which provides members with a shared calendar, discussion forums, member profiles, and photo gallery and access to past webinars
  • Access research and other key resources
  • Become part of the network that supports and provides a voice for EDI practitioners
  • Receive timely information on EDI issues and research

Contact us for a copy of the membership form.  

CAPDHHE listserv

CAPDHHE uses the Listserv to connect with its members.  Members are allowed to share, request information on current issues.


CAPDHHE Groupsite 

Groupsites are a new class of websites that empower people to come together.  It combines the most useful features of traditional websites, blogs, collaboration software and social networks. CAPDHHE uses this site as a meeting place that provides members of CAPDHHE-ACPDHMES with a shared calendar, discussion forums, member profiles, photo galleries, file storage and more.

Groupsite also sends out an activity digest to its members Once A Day.  The digest alerts members of any new content created and posted within CAPDHHE-ACPDHMES. 

Annual conference

Since 1984, the annual CAPDHHE conference has offered to latest updates and workshops on human rights and equity issues from activists, administrators, faculty members, staff, lawyers, artists and students, who work with the campus community at Canadian colleges and universities. Click here to view past conference details.